

12391 Uppsatser om Social antagonism - Sida 1 av 827

En kvalitativ studie av Social Enterprise som fenomen - Motsättningar i Social Enterprise bolag bottnar i marknadens bild av socialt företagande

A Social Enterprise is a business that features a mixture of characteristics that originates from the third and private sector. A general conception of Social Enterprises is that they aim to improve social welfare by the use of sustainable business models. The mixture of social and business features has created ambiguity about how to define Social Enterprises. The purpose of this study is to clarify Swedish Social Enterprises as a phenomenon and to examine antagonism that arises from mixing the two different sets of organisational characteristics. This is achieved by conducting a qualitative study of ten Swedish companies that the market considers to be Social Enterprises.

Utveckla idag Bevara i morgon - Ett hot mot den historiska staden som destination

The aim of this thesis is to identify and analyse the antagonism between conservation and development which occurs in historical towns.The base of the study is theories in destination development and cultural heritage tourism in historical towns as well as the consequences expressed in these theories concerning conservation and development. The standpoint was that an empiric study needed to complement the theory. This filed study took place in Dubrovnik in Croatia. The thesis identifies the antagonism between conservation and development based on the theoretical research. Moreover the study adds a perspective to the research through the identification of further dimensions of this antagonism.

Identiteten ?invandrare? i svensk morgonpress hösten 2007 : - en diskursteoretisk studie

The aim of this study is to go into depth and analyze the identity ?immigrant? (invandrare) and how it is constituted in Dagens Nyheter, Svenska Dagbladet and Sydsvenska Dagbladet. An investigation (SOU 2006:21) by Swedish authorities concludes that immigrants are portrayed in an unfavorable way in Swedish media, whilst Gunnar Sandelin in a debate article in Sweden?s biggest morning newspaper (Dagens Nyheter) meant that Swedish media lies about immigrants, creating an image of them that is too favorable that is not in touch with reality. This gives this thesis momentum to further investigate the identity immigrants are given in Swedish media.The theory and method used in this thesis is Laclau?s and Mouffe?s discourse theory.

Är en annan värld möjlig? World Social Forum, Den Globala Rättviserörelsen och formulerandet av en ny demokrativision

Ända sedan det kalla krigets slut har diskursen om den liberala demokratin varit hegemonisk. Det, menar vi, har skapat en osund situation där demokratins utformning och innehåll inte längre diskuteras. Därför har vi valt att undersöka den globala rättviserörelsens demokrativision, den enda som idag skulle kunna representera ett legitimt alternativ till den liberala demokratin. Eftersom det är en ostrukturerad grupp av diverse organisationer, rörelser och aktivister är det svårt att nå fram till en samlad vision. Vår analys bygger huvudsakligen på World Social Forums ?Charter of Principles?, en samling grundläggande principer som bildar en gemensam grund för alternativa politiska forum.

Metadon - drog eller medicin: en diskursanalys av Socialstyrelsens föreskrifter för läkemedelsassisterad behandling vid opiatberoende.

This thesis discusses the attitudes versus methadone assisted rehabilitation ad modum Dole Nyswander in Sweden during the period 1972-2004. This is done by means of a Foucault inspired discourse analysis applied on the directions issued by the Board of Health and Social Affairs. The context in which these directions were created is also described, in which scientific achievements on methadone treatments during the period, and the main actors struggling to establish and define the discourse on narcotics and narcomania, are juxtaposed to the effects of the work of the Board. It is stated that the directions were largely affected not by scientific results and knowledge on methadone, but by the symbolic connotations of narcotics in Sweden established in the discourse already in the mid 1960´s. Also during the end of the studied period, after the occurence of AIDS had begun making methadone more broadly accepted, the findings of this thesis showed that the legacy of the 1970´s symtomtheory and its severe antagonism against methadone, was still present, in effect, in the discourse around methadone and subutex assisted rehabilitation, and so in the directions issued by the Board of Health and Social Affairs..

Sekularism och politisk islam. En analys av antagonismen mellan två diskurser i Turkiet - den kemalistiska och den islambaserade

This paper concerns the divide between secularist and anti-secularist groups in Turkey, which is related to a greater antagonism between a Kemalist and an Islamic political discourse, dominant in Turkish politics since the 1980s. The main aim of the paper is to analyse the causes of the conflict using the discourse theory of Laclau and Mouffe. The second aim is to analyse the contents of each discourse and identify the main points of conflict between them. The empirical material used in the study consists exclusively of secondary sources treating the topic, and these are analysed using the theory of identity conflicts, which is part of Laclau and Mouffe's theory. It will be argued that the attempts of Kemalism to impose strict secularism by hegemonising the concepts of ?modernity? and ?Islam? led to the creation of an alternative political discourse based on political Islam.

Uthållig Demokrati med exkludering? En analys av diskursen om strukturell politisk exkludering i Demokratiutredningens slutbetänkande

The purpose of this study is to analyse the discourse on political exclusion in the official report Demokratiutredningen. It has been my ambition to relate the analysis of the report to a critical academic discourse on political exclusion and thereby make visible hidden norms and structures which functions to exclude certain individuals and groups from political participation.My paper point out that the report establishes a strong link between democracy and participation and that it, therefore, makes a strong case for a process of democratic inclusion. Though, in my study I suggest that that there is an unawareness of the importance of norms, hegemonic conceptions and structures and that inclusion, therefore, is unlikely to take place. Furthermore, I criticize the focus on deliberative democracy in the report. With insights offered by Mouffe in her argumentation on the necessity to acknowledge the dimension of antagonism present in all societies I underline that the focus on this democratic model is problematic.My conclusion is that the analysis presented in the report is insufficient if we want to create a democratic system characterized by equality..

Ras är en konstruktion- rasifiering en process En jämförande diskursanalys i hur den nationella identiteten konstrueras mellan `svenska invandrare` och `norska invandrare` bosatta i Oslo

The aim of this thesis is to seek understanding to how a national identity is constructed. Five women and five men at the age of 21-37 years old have been interviewed during November 2005 and January 2006. All of them lived Oslo at the time. The informants have been divided into two groups, `Swedish immigrants` and `Norwegian immigrants`, none of the people interviewed is ethnic `Swedish` or `Norwegian`. The empirical material has been analysed with the help of Billig´s theory about banal nationalism and Laclau and Mouffe´s discourse analysis.

Öst  och  Väst:  Kommer  vi  någonsin   mötas?   Analys av hur Hollywood representerar människor från Mellanöstern. East and the West: Will we ever meet? An analysis of how Hollywood represents people of the Middle East.

Då antagonismen mellan öst och väst forstätter att eskalera i vårt postindustriella samhälle är det viktigt att ta reda på de bidragande faktorer som leder till en fortsatt motsättning. Det är min uppfattning att Hollywood är en bidragande faktor till denna antagonism. Det är även min åsikt att Hollywood blir påverkade av USA:s Mellanösternpolitik i utformandet av de filmer där människor från Mellanöstern och islam porträtteras. Syftet med studien är att utifrån teorier såsom orientalism, stereotypering, representation och common-sense antaganden analysera nio utvalda Hollywoodfilmer. Tre från 1960-talet, tre från 1990-talet och tre från 2000-talet för att klarlägga hur människor från Mellanöstern framställs och hur islam representeras. Syftet är även att med hjälp av Faircloughs kritiska diskursanalys belysa hur samhället påverkar Hollywoods produktioner och hur dessa i sin tur påverkar samhället. Mot bakgrund av detta är Faircloughs trestegsmodell lämplig för att tydligöra det dialektiska samspel som existerar mellan samhälle och produktionen av film. Utifrån de teorier och metod som har presenterats har jag funnit att de nio utvalda filmerna framställer människor från Mellanöstern och islam på ett negativt sätt.

Träningsberoende. En diskursanalytisk betraktelse av forskningsfältet utifrån ett norm- och maktperspektiv

Syftet med studien var att problematisera forskning om träningsberoende, utifrån ett diskursivt norm- och maktperspektiv. Tolv artiklar från forskningsfältet analyserades med Foucault och Baudrillards perspektiv om sociala normer och makt som teoretisk utgångspunkt. Resultaten i studien visade att den mest betydande, dock triviala, normen inom forskningen om träningsberoende var att en hög träningsmängd, vilket varierande från 4 timmar per vecka till daglig träning, ansågs vara skadlig och en signifikant riksfaktor för att utveckla träningsberoende. Denna normen användes också för att utöva makt inifrån den sociala kroppen. Vidare visade resultaten en brist på antagonism och motaktioner mot makten som både normer och diagnostiska modeller har i forskningsfältet.

Vi är sexuella varelser! - Hur bestämmer talet om sexualitet den sexuella orienteringen? En intervjustudie om talet om sexualitet.

AbstractGenom kvalitativa intervjuer med fyra lärare som undervisar i sex- och samlevnad pågrundskolans senare del, och en utbildningskonsult från preventions- och utvecklingsenheten iGöteborg, undersöks hur sexuell orientering konstrueras, reproduceras och utmanas genomderas tal om sexualitet. Syftet är att diskutera hur människans sexuella begär riktas genomnormer och regler. Med utgångspunkt i teoretiska perspektiv utifrån Sigmund Freudspsykoanalys, Ernesto Laclau och Chantal Mouffes diskursteori, Judith Butler och SaraAhmeds queerteoretisk fenomenologi, fokuseras analysen på hur människan genom normeroch regler socialiseras in i en sexuell begärsriktning. Detta görs efter vad som är godtagbarabegärsriktningar inom samhället.Respondenterna i uppsatsen anser att sexualitet bör förstås som en relation mellan ettbegär och någon/något som begärs. En sådan förståelse positionerar resonemanget i endiskussion om hur begärsrelationer får ta utrymme i samhället på grund av huruvida normeroch regler godtar respektive förkastar begärsrelationer.

Kön, politik och makt - Den diskursiva kampen om tolkningsföreträde: empiriskt exempel Feministiskt initiativ

This essay is a discourse and a feminist theoretical analysis that focuses on the alternative discourse that we consider Feminist Initiative to be constitutive of. Our theoretical stance, with base in Laclau and Mouffes discourse theory, builds on the notion that reality is characterised by conflicts between different competing discursive formations and that the social is an endless struggle over the preferential right of interpretation of meaning. More specifically, the essay focuses on the discursive struggle over the meaning of the term politics. It is our understanding that the dominant perception of politics necessarily excludes other understandings, which can according to Eduards, be explained as a consequence of a patriarchal distribution of power that renders the subordination of certain understandings of politics accordingly. Feminist Initiative, as an alternative discourse, can therefore be perceived as a threat to the dominating discourse of politics, which in order to maintain its preferential right of interpretation seek to illegitimatise and depoliticise the politics that the alternative discourse represents.

Samtal om sexualitet(er) : ur kuratorers perspektiv

The goal of this essay is to analyse how women belonging to a right wing political discourse talk about feminism and equality. This analysis will be used to determine if right wing feminism exists. The analysis is based on Laclau and Mouffe´s  discourse theory as the primary base. The focus is articulation, antagonism and hegmony; the central terms of Laclau and Moffe´s theroy. The material consists of five interviews with representatives of women wings of liberal political in Sweaden; Liberala kvinnor, Centerkvinnor and Moderatkvinnor.The study shows that there are different opinions regarding feminism in the liberal political discouse, and that those opinions have an antagonistic relationship.

Inte bara invandrare? : Diskursiva villkor för våldsutsatta tjejer i etniska minoritetsgrupper

A mapping process is ongoing in Sweden concerning a phenomenon known as ?honour related violence?. The explanations of ?honour related violence? often focus on culture and ethnicity, thus establishing differences between the majority society and offenders and victims. Given that some scholars critique mapping for focusing on predetermined objects, my aim is to study discursive conditions for abused girls, who are constructed as being from within ethnic minorities, in relation to their contact with the Swedish welfare system.

An explorative journey in understanding Social Entrepreneurship

The aim of this thesis is to examine the theoretical developments on social entrepreneurship. Our purpose is to create a better understanding of the phenomenon leading to new insights. We have categorized the knowledge of the concept into social economy, social ownership, social innovation and social missions. Drawing from our theoretical review we have chosen four empirical illustrations, Grameen Bank, Wikipedia, Basta Arbetskooperativ, Jörn Hälsogemenskap, and we have shown how these fit into the general description of the social entrepreneur. With help of our illustrations we show that it is complicated to pin point the core of social entrepreneurship as they each have separate structures, innovations, social missions and operate close to different sectors.

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